So we’ve made your forest a
more vivid locale for your players, and now it’s time to have that pack of
wolves just jump out at them. But why? Wolves on the whole don’t just attack
travelers going through the forest. Maybe they’re protecting a nearby den of
cubs or something has been killing off the game and the wolves are starving.
This not just true for wolves—even magical monsters have to have some
motivation for attacking.
In most standard medieval
fantasy games the characters do a lot of traveling. Even if there isn’t a
ranger or scout in the party, someone needs to be able to follow a trail in the
woods. Unless, of course, your woods are just full of constantly lost parties.
One of the reasons the whole “X creature jumps out at you” doesn’t work for me
is there should be some kind of foreshadowing. Most creature leave some kind of
hint of its trail and the players would have noticed it, in some cases even
without a tracker.
Carnivorous creatures will
leave carrion, usually away from their lair but not always. When you come
across a decomposing deer carcass you should be able to determine there are
carnivores in the area. With a good tracker you can tell the difference between
the marks left by the creature that made the kill and those that have just been
scavenging from the fallen prey. If you’re trying to foreshadow a monster that
doesn’t kill for food then an animal corpse with only the bite marks of smaller
scavengers or even only the kill marks and maybe some vermin like maggots will
tell a different tale. The fact that most GMs never describe these things
boggles my mind.

Rivers, brooks, and streams
bring much needed water to pretty much any creature that needs sustenance. From
rabbits to big cats to dragons, if it eats and breathes it needs to drink. When
traversing the forest one of the quickest ways to determine what kinds of
creatures you might find is to see whose leaving prints
at the local watering hole. Sets of different prints will show a thriving biome
in the forest. Sometimes when you’ve got one superpredator like a wyvern or
baby dragon you may only find one set of prints, and this means trouble.

The environment of the forest
itself should be giving off many clues to the goings on within its confines.
And sure, maybe your party is fresh-faced and lost in a wooded area they’ve
never been in, but when seasoned adventurers can have creatures just jump out
at them for no reason it makes the whole proposition seem off kilter. Fleshing
out your encounters to actually mean something really helps with the immersion
for your players, which of course is one of the reasons I steer clear of random
encounter tables.
Hopefully you’ve gotten some
ideas on how to enhance your encounters when traveling through the woods. These
ideas can be applied to just about any wilderness environment, so don’t fret.
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Nice! I found this extremely helpful!
Nice! I found this extremely helpful!