Things To Do In a Bar
Everyone goes to the bar to drink, but what are some
other tavern activities that players might enjoy? As much as I enjoy a good
beer, for many people the bar is more than just a place to wallow in alcohol—although that happens too. In many modern bars you’ll have a pool or air hockey
table. In NYC we have “Barcade” which boasts a full arcade of classic games to
play while drinking. I’m still trying to get a high score on Q-bert. So
what can our players, along with the interesting people we’ve met, do in these
establishments until the adventure comes and bites them on the ass?

After pool the most common game you’ll find in a bar is
darts. Many bars around the city have darts teams and there’s even a darts
league. In a period medieval tavern they may have a larger target used for
knife throwing. Could the players be on their local pub’s dart team? What
happens on practice nights? What about game nights? How do they interact with
rival teams players in the streets?
Barring the idea of a league, even a small-town inn might
have a knife or dart board. Games of skill help hone necessary techniques in
rural areas. Hand-eye coordination and thrown weapon accuracy can be a matter
of life and death when the nearest farm to yours is a mile or two away. A
friendly wager by the best thrower in town might garner some respect for the
party or net them a rival from the dethroned bullseye king.
When people start drinking they get really confident in
their abilities, and in places that cater to a more brutish crowd you might
find tests of strength to be the order of the day. In a modern bar we have
those punching bag machines that measure how hard you can hit, but in more
period establishments you might find arm wrestling as the trial of choice.
Crowds love a good contest of brute strength the same way they love
gladiatorial battles, nothing gets the testosterone of a crowd flowing faster.
In bars that have outdoor areas, you might find tug of
war as a means to test the strength of individuals or teams. You can even mix strength
and agility with a game of push-pull as one opponent tries to throw
another off balance. Like any of the other activities I’ll talk about, winning
or losing may garner you respect or enmity. With tests of strength though, a
sore loser might show his displeasure very immediately with a pop in the mouth.
Some contests aren’t physical and many bars with a stage
for performers boast open mic nights. I’ve been to open mics, not just for
music—poetry and comedy also can draw a crowd. These kinds of contests are
more likely to be found in middle class or upper class establishments, at least
in my experience, I find dive bars aren’t into these kinds of things.
This is the perfect opportunity for your bard or party to strut their stuff. Many open mic nights will have a regular or two who
think of it a personal showcase. Is your performer a local or an outsider? What
happens if the audience takes to their performance over one of the regulars if
they are an outsider? A good performance might also lead to patronage, or at
least enough momentary fame to aid in the party’s ability to gather
information. Fans are more than willing to buy the new star a drink and tell
him or her things they ordinarily wouldn’t.
Probably the most common thing at any bar is the drinking
contest. The words “I can drink him under the table” invariably lead to a duel
of shots. Choose your weapon gentlemen: shooting tequila or chugging beer. In
some places the contest might not even be about liquor; the Hagfish in Paizo’s
world of Golarion boasts a fish tank full of muck and a hagfish. A contest of
being able to finish an entire pint of this thick sludge works just as well as
drinking dwarven fire ale.
Of all the contests mentioned, this is the one that is
least likely to end in hurt feelings. I’ve gotten myself into quite a few and by
the end of the night everyone is usually best friends. In contests against the
house and not an individual, like the Hagfish contest, you can become something
of a local celebrity if you manage to not lose your lunch.
Now although this isn’t a ‘contest’ per se, seeing as
this is the last article in the series on bars, there is one non-drinking
activity that should happen every once in awhile. The barroom brawl. Everybody
loves the chaos of a good bar fracas. In some cases it’s about two guys who
really hate each other and everyone just gets dragged in. Sometimes, however,
people just like to fight. In the Justice League cartoon episode “Comfort &
Joy” John Stewart and Hawkgirl celebrate the holidays by getting into a huge
bar fight.
Running a bar fight in an RPG can be difficult though.
There may be a dozen or more combatants. Do you roll for everyone or just make
random decisions with the patrons not fighting directly with the party? I find
playing a little fast and loose works well with the chaotic nature of barroom
brawl. Or maybe your players start the brawl themselves as a distraction and
now they’ve gotta wade through the melee to escape or get to their objective.
This might make you job as GM a little more difficult.
And there you have it folks. We’ve taken “you meet in a
bar” from trope to fully fleshed out encounter location. If you’ve missed them
you can head back and check out the other installments of this series.
Pt 1: One More for the Road
The CRB aims to bring you some great ideas on fleshing
out your games worlds. If you’d like to buy me a beer consider becoming a
patron for as little as $1 a post over at the CRB’s Patreon Page. I’ve
also expanded to other forms of social media, and the CRB is both on Tumblr and Twitter. Ever wonder how I actually play? I live tweet my
Saturday and Sunday games.
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