People. People are as important to a bar as the location
or atmosphere. As I write this I am sitting at a local ale house, having an IPA
and some food, looking around at all the people. It’s a little after quitting
time so the ones already here are probably teachers or construction workers
that finish up before five. Those straggling in have just finished putting in
another day—whether it’s a job they love or one they hate is a secret known
only to them. The older gentlemen sitting three seats down from me I’ve seen
here a few times. He arrives early, is probably retired, and spend his
afternoon here until it’s too crowded and noisy.
The thing about the bar is that people go regardless of
circumstance unless, of course, they don’t drink. If the economy is booming
people go to the bar, in a recession people go to the bar. They go to
celebrating their ups, from new jobs to birthdays, and commiserate with others
on their downs. People go to the bar. And if we want to continue to make sure
our tavern is way more than just a trope we need to explore who those people
are. These are just a few examples to start filling out your watering hole.
The Pity Case
There’s a guy in the neighborhood who spends a little
time in every bar. He’s an older man, definitely mute, maybe deaf and possibly
developmentally disabled. I’ve seen him in here; he comes in right after
they open and, without a word, grabs a broom and starts sweeping the sidewalk
outside and then the entrance way. For his troubles he gets a few free drinks
before he moves on to the next place.
Sometimes when I’m drinking with a friend he’ll come up
and use pantomime to ask if I’m driving. He’ll follow this up by shaking his
finger and then mimic drinking and driving. His concern is genuine. He has
never once hit me up for a drink, although I’ve seen some regulars pay for one
for him. He’s generally harmless and I’ve never seen him become aggressive but
it has to be an odd sort of life. I sometimes wonder at his circumstances;
maybe he’s a war vet? Maybe he’s always been challenged? Nothing about him
gives a clue.
The thing is I’ve seen this guy, or someone like him, in
bars all over the city. Maybe in your fantasy game he’s an old dwarf, a veteran
of too many wars. Possibly he’s a gentle giant who thinks of the tavern as a
second home. Maybe he’s just old and senile with nothing better to do. Much
like the bars he frequents, the hows and whys are a thousand fold as to who
this character is.
The Alcohol Inspired Artist.
Take me for example, here I am sitting on my laptop being
as creative as can be. I have a beer I’m sipping on and the creative juices are
filling the page with ideas. I’m not the only writer who gets most of his best
work done in a bar with a beer. I’m not sure if it’s true or not by I always
picture Hemingway sitting in Cuban bar with his typewriter, or James Joyce with
pen in hand working on a manuscript in an Irish pub.
The alcohol-inspired artist isn’t only relegated to
writers. I’ve been going to nightclubs since I was sixteen, don’t tell anyone,
and there was always this older artist in the club every weekend. I’m sure he
had to know a few of the people there but to me he always seemed like a
recluse. I never saw him talk to anyone and even though he had that creepy old
man vibe I never saw him hit on a single girl. He would just sit at his table
looking out over the dance floor, his pencil flying over the pages of his
In your story this could be anyone, writer (of course),
sketch artist, composer, or whatever forms of art exist in your world. Many
times this person seems stand-offish even if they aren’t. The look they have
when absorbed in their work makes others feel like they’re unapproachable. Many
bars, however, host an artist in residence.
The Traveling Performer
I can personally only think of two examples of this that
I’ve seen first-hand, but they were both exciting characters to behold. The
first was a sketch artist who would draw your likeness and then come up to you
and try and get you to buy it. This version of the character is a little
annoying and off-putting, although I admit to purchasing my sketch ‘because it
was really that good. This person has to have both talent and charisma to talk
people into buying his work or else he just wasted however much time on a
Another versions of this is the troubadour or group. A
group of traveling musicians, a brass band, who walk from bar to bar and ask
for permission to play. Not only are they amazing, they are novel. Nobody
really does brass bands anymore, at least not here, so they usually have an
instant audience for something unique. These performers are usually a little
less off-putting because they need permission to be in the bar and their
targets are all the patrons so you don’t feel singled out as a mark.
In a fantasy setting you can use any type of performer
for this role. Sketch artist, painters, singer, musician, comedian and even
poet. The good thing about these characters is they get around. Whereas most of
the others will only know about the few bars they frequent, the traveling
performer probably knows many of the local establishments. If you’re looking
for someone and know they frequent one of the bars in a city, these may be the
people to ask.
The Slumming Youth
This is mostly a dive bar phenomena, but kids who come
from money think it’s cool to hang out in a seedy place. You can pick them out
of a crowd in pretty easily; dressed down but not down enough, hanging out in a
little cluster, chattering about how exciting it is to be where they are.
Regulars usually look at them with a certain amount of derision because it’s
obvious why they are there.
Why are these slummers possibly important to your game?
If you’re trying to find out about the upper class these are the people to talk
with. Many times they feel like talking to a local gives them some kind of
credibility and are willing to divulge things they otherwise would not. If your
characters are trying to hinder the plans of a noble, nothing helps that better
than kidnapping their child when they’re having a night out.
The Regular

Beyond just being there often, the regular can come in
many flavors. The curmudgeon, who thinks of it as his bar, may have to be plied
with many drinks before he’ll speak with anyone. The welcoming committee, who
smiles and finds you a seat, telling you all about the place he loves so much.
The guy passed out in his beer at the end of the bar, hard to talk to till he
sobers up a bit. Could be anyone, as long as the bar is their usual hang out.
The Bartender
Many establishments, especially dive bars in popular
neighborhoods, will hire only female bartenders. The women are usually single
-- or pretend to be single -- because flirting with the male customers is part
of the game. A lingering smile or a knowing look often gives the patrons a
reason to stay longer, order more, and leave bigger tips. By the way, at the
end of the night, you never get to go home with the bartender. Sports bars, on
the other hand, usually have male bartenders. Even though it’s sexist to assume
that only “men” talk about sports. The local Dive will have older bartenders,
usually area locals.
One of my favorite type of bartenders is the heckler.
This bartender will make fun of everyone who walks in. To some that behavior means
they’ll never return, but that’s how you keep the riff raff out of the bar. To
others it is a challenge to be accepted, can you stand up to the abuse? If you
can make it past the jibes of the person pouring your beer then you’ll be
accepted as part of the bar’s fellowship. You have joined an elite group and
found a home.
Those are only some of the many characters you might find
in any type of pub. There are so many more that it’s almost impossible to list
them all. Make sure that each of the people in your bar serves a purpose,
dictated by location and atmosphere. If you can marry all the aspects we’ve
spoke about so far, your tavern will have gone from a trope to a living,
breathing organism all its own.
Are you a regular here at the tavern of the CRB? Consider
becoming a patron over at my Pateron for as little as $1 a post you can
help support the creative. And make sure to join me over on the CRB’s other
social media. On twitter it’s @SimonSezCRB and I live tweet my weekend
games for your enjoyment. The CRB is also on Tumblr where I post some
thoughts that are more than 140 characters and reblog inspirational artwork
from some great fantasy artists.
Fantastic post. Stuff I would have never been able to think of. Gonna use this in my next game.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it could help you out Rodrigo, its always good feeling when my writing can inspire others.