The Orang-Pendak
This week’s random roll gave me the opportunity
to explore a new race. The orang-pendak were introduced in the Bestiary 5 and
were given stats to build as a playable race. When I went looking, however, I
realized that the only information that was available for these sasquatch
cousins was in said bestiary. So to properly write up this week’s background it
falls upon me to expand upon the lore of these gentle and reclusive ape-men.
The history of the orang-pendak is little more than tales
passed down from storyteller to storyteller. The jungle dwelling ape-men keep
no written histories of their travels. Because they are also reclusive
creatures there is little known about them outside of their people. Even those
orang-pendak that leave the tribe to adventure speak little of their past.
Some common themes of their history told by their
song makers is that there was a great exodus from the north. Although an accurate
calendar isn’t kept by the ape men, the tales told of the time of the exodus
correlate with events that happened during earthfall. Many tribe of sasquatch –
of whom the orang-pendak are most likely related – fled from their homes when
the skies turned black and the spirits began to scream.
The orang-pendak crossed over what would become Thuvia and
traversed the barrier wall, ending their flight on the Mwangi jungle side of
the mountain range. This is where many of the tribes would remain, although
others would eventually range farther, making homes in wooded areas of both the
Shattered Range and the Bandu Hills. There was more than enough land that
wasn’t seeing use for the tribes to live solitary lives for millennia.
When the Shory Empire arose the orang-pendak found it harder
to keep their existence a secret. The flying cities brought the humans
everywhere and the civilizations lust for knowledge meant they left few stones
unturned when trying to catalog the world. The Shory scholars learned of the
orang-pendak, although most of their knowledge died with the crumbling of the
flying cities. Those who have found bits of information on the ape-men often
confuse them with the beginnings to the monkey creatures that would serve the
Gorilla King of Usaro.

Like the sasquatch, orang-pendak look like a cross between
humans and simians. In the case of the orang-pendak they resemble orangutans
and gibbons more than they do gorillas. They are bipedal, although they walk
hunched over which often gets them mistake for actual apes. Their skin is
somewhat leathery, but not enough to provide any real armor, and most of their
body is covered in hair that ranges from light brown to red.
As they adapted to their new home, the orang-pendak have
become smaller than their ancestors and now stand on average at about four feet
tall. Their smaller stature belies the fact that they have retained much of the
strength of those that came before. The orang-pendakare generally gentle
creatures but when one is angered it could theoretically rip leather armor
asunder with its bare hands.
One of the reasons they remain mainly undetected in their
homes is that orang-pendak are mostly nocturnal creatures. Being active at
night has acclimated their eyes to seeing clearly in the starlight. As such
they have low-light vision allowing them to see the hazards of the forest under
the night sky.
Orang-pendaklive in a nomadic tribal society. They wander
from location to location usually, in a set seasonal path so as not to use up
all the resources in one place. Occasionally events will occur that force the
ape-men to adjust their migration pattern, but this only happens rarely.
Each tribe has a different structure although most are led
by a council of elders and not one leader. The council generally consists of a
spiritual speaker, a lore singer, a wanderer, and a spearman. A council may
have more or less members but these four are traditionally the core elders.
Each elder is considered the authority on their area of expertise and his or
her word is considered with greater weight when dealing with matters of that
variety. However the council must come to a consensus before a decision is
The ape-men are more gatherers than hunters but they will
occasionally eat meat. Their impressive strength sees them able to take down
animals even larger than they are purely on the force of one of their thrown
spears. Meat is reserved for special occasions only and part of any event that
sees meat eaten is a ceremony to thank the spirit of the beast for giving of
itself to the tribe.
In the tribe family is very important. A familial unit will
usually consist of a mother, father, a child, and perhaps grandparents.
Orang-Pendak numbers are small because bearing children doesn’t happen often.
An orang-pendak mother rarely gives birth to more than one child her lifetime.
Orang-Pendak society often integrates actual apes into
itself. These creatures are sometimes companions and familiars to those with a
deeper connection to the creatures of the land. Often the ape-men will take in
young orangutans and baboons who have lost their own troops or have been left
for dead. Outsiders may think that the orang-pendak keep these creatures as
pets, but in truth they are considered valued members of the tribe.
Alignment and Faith
The orang-pendak tend toward neutrality. Not so much
wishy-washy or indecisive as they are “go-with-the-flow” types. They believe
that the spirits will help provide for them, so they don’t often get to worked
up one way or another about good and evil or chaos and order. Those that stray
from this middle-of-the-road path are often the types that become adventurers.
Spirit and ancestor worship are the most common forms of
religion among the orang-pendak. Their religious figures include shaman, witch doctors,
medicine men, and spirit speakers. Every event is overseen by a spiritual
leader; from a hunt, to a birth, to meeting with another tribe. The spirits
must be consulted on almost every decisions and milestone in life.
Oddly, although they are not fey, many of the
orang-pendak worship the fey Eldest. The priests of these divine beings worship
these creatures as aspects of the spirit world and the Eldest to nothing to
correct this misconception. The only member of the Eldest that isn’t worshiped
is Ragadahn, seeing as there are no oceans or linnorm where the
orang-pendak dwell. Tricksters who worship the Lantern King – called the Wisp
Lord by the ape-men – are especially revered teachers.
The orang-pendak have few if any relations at all. They
remain as always reclusive and steer well clear of the human lands. Those few
that do trade with others never speak their homes or tribes, but their general
laid back manner often sees them accepted by races that aren’t on their own
The one group that the orang-pendak actively hate is the
Gorilla King and his minions. Although they also remain hidden from the
despotic follower of the Demon Lord Anghazhan, shadow scuffles often go on for
the hearts of the simian species that inhabit the jungles of Mwangi. If
anything could drive the ape-men to a full-fledged war it would be the
predations of the Gorilla King.
Few if any orang-pendak set out into the world as
adventurers. Those that do adventure often have vocations of a natural or spiritual
bent. Rangers, druids, shaman, and hunters are probably the most common classes
taken up by the ape-men.
Most magic users among the orang-pendak are divine casters.
The aforementioned druid and shaman appear with the most frequency but oracles
and the occasional cleric have been known to happen. The only arcane caster
that is common among the orang-pendak is the bard. The ape-men keep all of
their lore in the form of stories and oral histories. No orang-pendak who has
remained among his tribe has ever become a wizard, but rarely witch or an
unlettered arcanist my spring up among them.
Of the rest of the classes, rogue and brawler are the only
other ones that pop up with some frequency. Fighting tends not to be a
lifestyle many orang-pendak strive for and they aren’t often emotional enough
to build up a barbarian’s rage.
What kind of cultures for other races would you like to see?
Would you use this outline of the orang-pendak in your Golarion campaign? Would
you adapt them to your home brew world? This is just a short write-up, but what
other information would you like to see about the orang-pendak?
The orang-pendak maybe be reclusive but the CRB aims to bring them into the light. If you’ve enjoyed this write-up please consider becoming a contributor. Monthly donations of as little as one dollar can be made to my Patreon. A one-time donation can easily be made to my Paypal. Every bit helps me keep the lights on so I can concentrate on bringing you the content you deserve.
The orang-pendak maybe be reclusive but the CRB aims to bring them into the light. If you’ve enjoyed this write-up please consider becoming a contributor. Monthly donations of as little as one dollar can be made to my Patreon. A one-time donation can easily be made to my Paypal. Every bit helps me keep the lights on so I can concentrate on bringing you the content you deserve.
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