The Use of Teleport, Mind Reading, and Scrying in Your Games
As much as I enjoy Pathfinder, high level
play can make being a GM some what harder. After you’ve set up your bad
guy and their plans you think of all the fun the players will have rooting out
your plot over time, finding your bad guy, and getting to him. Along comes your
high level casters and they mind read the bad guy’s minions, scry on the big
bad, and then teleport to him and ignore all the other stuff you set up. It can
become quite frustrating. So how do we work around this stuff, without making
the player’s feel like they’ve wasted their spells?
Mind Reading
Casters get their first
“mind reading” spell at the second spell level (so around third or fourth
character level). Detect thoughts allows you to read surface thoughts. The next
big “mind reading” spell is seek thoughts. Let’s say you have a group of the villain’s
minions that you’ve captured. And you pick one randomly to interrogate but his
mind seems resistant to your efforts. But what about everyone else?
Seek thoughts allows your
player to scan the vicinity for anyone who is thinking about a question or
topic you have in mind. Ultimate Intrigue has a side bar that tells us that
seek thoughts doesn’t tell us who is thinking a thing just that someone in the
group is. So you can't look at a group of half dozen people and say that one
guy is thinking about it. You can say one person in the group is thinking about
it, or a few people are thinking about it, but you cannot pinpoint who it is.
On their own they're not too
incredibly powerful, but any good player will combine these spells with asking
questions, trying to lead the NPC to think about the things they want answers
to. Now NPCs can get a will save to avoid having their thoughts detected
altogether, but there are no actual rules for not thinking about something. So
how do you get the NPCs to think about what the players want them to without
it becoming a constant GM telling them no because he thinks it makes the plot
too easy?
As I started writing this
article the topic came up in my group’s Skype chat. Literally I was halfway
through this section when I was met with a lot of new ideas. So here are some
of those ideas: A second will save may be in order not to think about
something. A bluff versus a sense motive check (a little oversimplified) could
certainly do the trick. Both of these ideas are simple, but personally I don’t think they speak to the
complexity of the situation
What I’ve come up with
and what I think I’m going to use is this: It’s three rolls -- which may seem a
little much but it works so that the GM doesn’t always say he's not thinking
about the topic the players are trying to find out about. The obvious first roll is the save for the spell. If the target succeeds on
this there’s no point in the rest. The second roll is to determine if he’s aware he is
being lead to think about something. If it’s this roll is against the caster, the spell says you roll sense motive at a DC 25. If it’s not the caster I’m going with an opposed sense motive roll vs the interrogator's bluff roll.
The final roll for
actually resisting is a bit more complicated. If target don’t know its being
led, the interrogator rolls bluff roll vs a will save that the target automatically take ten on. I did
some calculations and barring modifiers at level 13 a good base will save with
iron will and a good wisdom modifier versus a good interrogator without any feats or traits
to add to bluff only needs to roll a 4 or better to lead his witnesses
thoughts. All in all pretty balanced. If one knows one is being led the target instead rolls their will save instead of taking ten. And there can always be
modifiers, what those modifiers are will be up to the GM. Stress, what would
happen if they let the information slip, being schizophrenic, anything, but I
recommend not letting your modifiers not add up to more than +/- 10.
There are many other
things to consider though, like what an individual person knows. For the most
part minor minions aren’t going to know the big plan. Depending on how
secretive the bad guy or organization is the rank and file members may only
know about their own group and safe house. Paranoid bad guys may even go so far
as to misinform their lower ranked followers. Mind reading Bob might get you
one answer, while mind reading Larry may get you another.
You also have to define
what a surface thought is. Is it just text like reading a novel? Or is it more
like a children’s book, a series of images that make up the story? Are thoughts
more a set of feelings or are feelings included? Or are thoughts a huge jumble
of words, images, and feelings? If thoughts in any way include words, what
happens when the person’s native tongue is not something you speak? I know I
think in English but what if the NPC thinks in Derro and you don’t speak Derro?
Detect thoughts also
doesn’t work through. 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of
lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks the ability. Super paranoid baddies may
wear a lead helmet to keep their thoughts from being read. I am now picturing
them wearing lead versions of tinfoil hats. You’re welcome.
If you want to have a
little fun with your players, False Visions will show a scryer the equivalent
of a major image. The normal version can be tied to any location but the
greater versions can tied to an individual and move with them wherever they go.
This can lead to some interesting mistaken pieces of information retrieved by
the players.
But what about those NPCs
that can’t cast spells themselves you ask? Magic items are the obvious answer.
The Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location, or a Ring of Counterspells
loaded up with scry will keep you from being found. The one mundane thing
people forget is that lead stops scrying period. Any big bad worth his salt
that has had to face casters with scrying before will line his inner sanctum at
the very least with lead.
So your players have found the bad guy and they want to teleport directly into his inner sanctum. Or maybe they’ve had one encounter and they want to teleport out to heal up and come back the next day. There are a lot of ways teleporting can ruin a perfectly good adventure but it’s not as powerful as people give it credit for.
First off if you scry the
bad guy – assuming his lair is not lead lined – you cannot just teleport to
that location. Even if you know the complete dimensions of the room and all the
objects in the room, you actually have no clue where the room is. Without this
knowledge you cannot get to that location. Even if, say, you knew a room was in
a house but you didn’t know where it the house it was, trying to teleport there
would be incredibly risky or impossible.
Then, of course, if your
bad guy is a spellcaster he may have magical means to be able to stop
teleportation. Teleport trap is a handy little spell that lets you divert to
another specific area with a medium range. And it works on those teleporting
both into and out of the area, denying both immediate entrances and quick
escapes. Although there is a will save, this only stops them from being shunted
to the new location, the teleport spell still doesn’t take them away from the
area and is wasted.
Finally there is the
hidden clause most people forget that some call the “volcano hideout clause.”
Areas of strong physical or magical energy may make teleportation more hazardous
or even impossible. So, locations such as the aforementioned active volcano,
hurricanes and tsunamis, intense lightning storms, and other such extreme
natural phenomena can outright stop someone from being able to teleport.
Places that house many powerful
magical devices, portals to other planes of existence, or just rooms with many
magical spells cast on them may hinder teleportation as well. It’s up the GM to
determine what constitutes “strong” magical energy. Again there is a fine
balance between challenging your players and thwarting them at every turn.
So there you have it,
some interesting tidbits about the spells that a lot of GMs say ruin high level
play. Do you use these spells as a player? How has your GM allowed them to work
or not work? As a GM how have you adjudicated these spells in the past? Where
is your fine line between a challenge and denying your players use of some fun
and interesting abilities?
The CRB has let you in on
my thoughts without the need for intrusive magic. If I’ve helped you expand how
you think about these spells as either a GM or a player please consider
becoming a contributor. Monthly donations of as little as one dollar can be
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The CRB has been growing as a community on social media. Please join us on Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, and Twitter. My inbox is open on all forums for questions, comments, and discussion. If you don’t want to miss a beat make sure you sign up to have the CRB pushed directly to your e-reading device with Kindle Subscriptions through Amazon.
In my opinion, the game functions best when the world changes to match the nature of dominant magic. Yes, lead lined walls for inner sanctums should be factory standard for any hero or villain that wants to be taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteBut teleportation? Why fight it? Embrace it. Make dungeons with sealed off individual rooms that require teleportation to navigate between them. Give them unusual maps that serve as fun puzzles for the party to solve, lest they end up in trapped "decoy" rooms. REWARD players for having access to the big guns.
Fighting the influence of high magic and how it fundamentallychanges the structure of adventure requires a joint effort on the players to not play utility casters and the GM to cut out the usual problems that a high level party is expected to be able to solve. It's ultimately easier to embrace it and write along side it instead of trying to fight it.
On the one hand I don't think knowing the limitations and enforcing them is fighting the influence of high magic. One of my players right now has all three of the abilities I talk about which is what made me think about writing this article. And even with the limitations which are RAW rulings his abilities are still far from useless.
DeleteOn the other hand making a dungeon with sealed off individual rooms is an awesome idea. Some one who is better suited to these kinds of puzzles really needs to make an adventure where that happens. So anyone else reading this comment you should get on that.