Sects of the Lost Prince

As always let us imagine we are sitting at our theoretical
gaming table. Our imaginary GM sets out the rules for the game we will play. In
this game, we are to make a follower of The Lost Prince. The character does not
need to be a divine caster, just a devotee of this member of the Eldest. What
character do you make?
For what little information there is on The Lost Prince
Archives of Nethys Page
Pathfinder Wiki Page
Supplicants of the Black Tower
The Supplicants of the Black Tower are a group of librarians
who seek to keep all of the forgotten things. Unlike followers of Norgorber,
with whom they are frequently at odds, they do not seek to hide knowledge away
from the world -- just hold onto it for safekeeping. Upon hearing of its
existence, many a loremaster will search the wilds for the black tower itself
and attempt to gain admittance. The price for entry is a piece of information
that few if any know. The price to become a supplicant is to forget something
important to you, your own name.
The nameless brothers of the black tower normally find the
solitude of their hidden home more to their liking, but occasionally they will
head out into the world. Rumors of lost libraries, forgotten wizards towers,
and buried tombs of kings are all the incentive the Supplicants of the Black
Tower need to venture out from their home. The lure of ancient and forgotten
knowledge is the strongest thing in the world to a nameless brother.
The Black Wing Society
Where The Lost Prince himself cares little for furthering
the cause of law and chaos or good and evil, not all of his followers are so
inclined. The Black Wing Society feels that loss and sorrow are the only true
motivators of the world and that everyone should feel this pain as they do.
Members of the Black Wing Society are so mired in their own sadness that goes
far past melancholy and into outright despair. Every member has had a personal
loss; some have lost limbs in battle, others family members to horrible death,
and still others have been spurned by someone they loved.
The Black Wing Society uses the iconography of the raven and
many keep these large black birds as pets or companions. They haunt the
nightmares of entire towns through acts of diabolic mischief. Stealing precious
items kidnapping family members, spoiling the plans of people’s hopes and
dreams. These followers of the Lost Prince feed off the despair of those around
them. Although they often work alone, occasionally they well gather to despoil
a particularly idyllic village, and when an unkindness of Black Wings gather
only pain and death will follow.
The Unforgotten
When lost in the woods you just happen upon a guide who can
lead to the forest’s edge. That is probably a member of the Unforgotten. Just
because the Lost Prince deal with those things lost and misplaced doesn’t mean
he intends them to stay that way. Members of the Unforgotten seek to show the
good works of the fey lord. Although they still prefer the solitude of the deep
woods, they know not all others do.
The Unforgotten are one of the few known sects of The Lost
Prince. They do their good deeds in his name, seeking to bring better
understanding of their patron. The Unforgotten will hire themselves out as wilderness
guides to caravans and adventuring parties at reasonable rates. Where they
excel is finding lost children, which they do for free. Many a distraught
parent has come to the refuge of the Unforgotten with the tale of a missing son
or daughter who wandered into the trees. The success rate of returned
younglings is much higher when a devotee of the Melancholy Lord is involved.
The Darkened Verse
This is a very small sect of elves who follow the Lost
Prince. Each and every one considers themselves a master poet. They try to
constantly outdo each other in the most depressing lines of verse they can
possibly muster. They take pride in their own personal heartbreak and sadness
and see these feelings as the truest ways to express their art. Most other elvish
parts see them as petulant children but the draw of their performances cannot
be denied. Right now the members of the Darkened Verse are all the rage among
the younger elves of Kyonin.
These are the ideas I had. The characters I pictured would
fit into one of these sects. But what did you come up with? Who is your devotee
of The Lost Prince? Why has your character chosen to follow this dour and
obscure divine figure?
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