Riders of Zarongel

For the snippets of information available on Zarongel you
can check these links. But don’t let the Goblins find out you were reading.
Pathfinderwiki Page
The Rat Mongers
Not every Goblin can be a rider and some see it as their
sacred duty to breed the divine animals of Zarongel. Considered learned for
goblins, the members of the Rat Mongers are well versed in the husbandry of
their peoples riding beasts. Rat Monger goblin dogs are considered the
“bestest”, and often breed larger and more vicious than those not raised by
Zarongel’s chosen.
The goblin dog breeders do not actually work well together,
especially members of the sect from different tribes. Each group has to prove
they are the superior breeders and trainers and when two or more groups get
together there is usually a contest. Many times this contest is a pit fight
between two of the best Goblin dogs to see which crew makes the “bestest
petses”. Occasionally when the goblins are warring with outside forces and
every battle mount is needed they will hold riding contests. Each group's best
rider mounts up on the other groups meanest goblin dog and whoever gets thrown
first loses.
The Burning Pelts
This special little group of psychopaths—with a very low
life expectancy even for goblins—looks to mimic the appearance of their patron.
To that end each goblin rides into battle wearing a wolf or dog pelt which he
lights on fire. Many of these goblins die before even entering battle as they
self-immolate as their mounts try to escape from their flaming riders. That
said, a Burning Pelt who survives even a single battle is considered a hero in
his own right among his tribe.
Part of the rite to join the Burning Pelts is to hunt down
and kill the dog or wolf that will be your firecloak. Those who come back with
the biggest pelts are, of course, given the highest rank within the group. The
current fire chief of the Burning Pelts has survived not one but three assaults
on the Longshanks while ablaze. His pelt is that of a giant black wolf which is
too big for his diminutive body and flops around leaving burn marks on the hind
quarters of his goblin dog.
The Itchy Paws
All goblins are immune to the dander of their goblin dog
mounts, but some truly become one with their beasts by drying out their skin to
the same itchy effect. The Itchy Paws are instantly recognizable by the fact
they are constantly scratching at themselves, throwing up clouds of irritated
green skin. The itching actually doesn’t seem to bother them much and the
goblins with the biggest patches of dry skin or open sores are considered the
best of the Itchy Paws.
Dander isn’t the only thing this sect of Zarongel worshipers
have going for them. They are also by far the best goblin dog riders amongst
their tribes. The Itchy Paws can goad their beasts into maneuvers most goblins
can only dream about. Their trick riding capabilities are amazing, and most
even manage to survive the suicidal feats they push themselves and their mounts
to. When a goblin tribe needs shock troops to get the most done with the fewest
casualties, the Itchy Paws are the ones they call.
Goblins amirite? Maybe your next sharp-toothed pyromaniac
will be a worshiper of Zarongel and a member of one of these sects. Or maybe
you have some other ideas. What does your devotee of the Goblin Hero-God do?
How does he show his dedication to this demonic being?
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